Cliff Eyland Contact Proposals Cliff Eyland categories
Library Biographies Eyland Writing CE Bibliography
information G111 Exhibitions Art Rental Service School of Art University of Manitoba

Gallery One One One
was the University of
Manitoba School of
Art's gallery from
1965 to 2012.
Eyland was its
Director from 1998
to 2011, and its
website was
designed, launched
and has been
maintained by
Eyland since

Eyland opened an
experimental gallery
next to his studio
called Library
in 2013.

Canada Council
Manitoba Arts Council
Winnipeg Arts Council

WPG Galleries:
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Manitoba Museum
Lisa Kehler Art + Projects
Gurevich Fine Art
Plug In I.C.A.
Platform Centre
Lantern Gallery
Fleet Galleries
Video Pool
Mentoring Artists
for Women's Art

Gallery 1C03
Urban Shaman Gallery
Loch Gallery
Martha Street Studio
Graffiti Gallery
Cre8ery Gallery
Pavilion Gallery
St. Norbert Arts Centre

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba

Magazines plus...
Border Crossings
Canadian Art
Esse arts
C.C.C.A. Canadian Art

Akimbo CDN Art Listings
View on Canadian Art
Visual Arts news
(Atlantic Canada)

Blouin Art
Brooklyn Rail
Texte Zur Kunst

Eyland's Facebook page has newer information. He has Tumblr, Instagram,Twitter and other social media accounts, for which he always uses his (real) name.
Cliff Eyland CV (467 K PDF)



American Art Magazine Browsing Hexagon (with thanks to Steve Higgins) at Library, Winnipeg, 4 March to 3 June.

The Beaverbrook Gallery in Fredericton, New Brunswick acquired 28 Eyland paintings for its permanent collection, and The Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery acquired 300 of Eyland's paintings in order to construct a mural in the adjacent public library (installation date to be announced).

Cliff Eyland: Librarians, Books and Clouds, Toronto, Project Gallery, 17 November 2016 to 15 January 2017


Eyland donated the first lot of his papers to the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections (Eyland fonds) in January 2015. Papers include or will include drawings, hundreds of files on artists, photographs, slides, hard drives, discs and ephemera. He also set up a University of Manitoba endowment fund to assist archivists with this collection. He encourages support for archives, and he hopes that others will also donate drawings and Eyland papers to this collection. Many thanks to archivists Dr. Shelley Sweeney and Tyyne Petrowski, as well as Janet Rothney, Tannis Kohut and Craig Love, and as always Dr. Pam Perkins for their assistance.

501 Paintings and Buildings, Actual Gallery, Winnipeg, 30 December (2014) to 21 March 2015.

Eyland was commissioned through Gurevich Fine Art to place 8 paintings per room in Winnipeg's new Alt Hotel.


In 2014 Eyland installed 600 paintings as a public art commission at the new Meadows Library in Edmonton. Edmonton Meadows Paintings (Picasa page).

Eyland installed a public commission of 5000 paintings at the Halifax Central Library (youtube video) in Nova Scotia.
David Diviney writes in Canadian Art "Cliff Eyland Returns to the Library in Halifax

Cliff Eyland and Dr. Jeanne Randolph conducted sessions of "Your Own Grad School" at the Eastern Edge Gallery in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Make Your Own Swedish Passport, Zsa Zsa West Gallery, Winnipeg, 7 February to 1 March

Book Paintings, Hermes Gallery, Halifax, 24 October to 29 November


Untitled, Hole in The Wall exhibition, Winnipeg. (Eyland had the first solo exhibition as part of this Winnipeg public art initiative. David Churchill and Frank Livingston curated the show.)

Eyland and George Toles wrote, illustrated and posted to Facebook almost 1,700 pages of Toles's fictional Facebook updates from 2009 to 2013. The entire collection is viewable here.

Cliff Eyland and Dr. Jeanne Randolph conducted sessions of "Your Own Grad School" at the Modern Fuel Gallery in Kingston, Canada.

Eyland opened an experimental gallery next to his studio called Library in 2013.


Eyland at the National Gallery of Canada Library and Archives in Ottawa:
1) Residency: 26-28 October, 2012
2) Solo vitrine exhibition 26 October to 22 December 2012
3) Permanent installation in National Gallery Library books.
Curated by Peter Trepanier. A new 12"x18" loose leaf book was created for this show, and he inserted 1000 file card drawings (25 MB PDF) in National Gallery library books. View a PDF of Eyland's artist's book here (10 MB PDF) or here.

He made a book about Iceland in 2012 and he gave a talk about his work at the University of Iceland/University of Manitoba 2012 Partnership Conference at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, August 23/24. Click here (41 MB PDF) to view images.

He recreated a "Schutz-Pass" or passport in 2010 that was originally made by Roaul Wallenberg in Budapest in 1944 in order to save Jewish residents from deportation. He has been organizing parties in 2012 in which participants fill in their own Pass. Download an 11"x18" version (1.8 MB PDF), which includes English instructions, here.

In November 1-2, 2012 he gave a paper on "The Artist as Academic" at the UAAC-AAUC Conference at Concordia University in Montreal organized by Risa Horowitz.

Eyland wrote a review of Garry Neill Kennedy's book The Last Art College for Border Crossings magazine.

He wrote an essay for a survey of contemporary Canadian art for the 2012-13 travelling exhibition at MASS MoCA Oh Canada in Massachusetts curated by Denise Markonish.


Cliff Eyland was the director of Gallery One One One at the University of Manitoba 1998-2011, when it became perhaps the first public museum to commit to electronic publication via website and in CD-ROMS. The gallery was replaced by the School of Art Gallery, but Eyland continues to maintain its website. Links to this site's copy of Gallery One One One's site are at the top left of this page.

Winter Kept Us Warm and the Border Crossings Study Centre were shown in Paris the summer of 2011 at the Maison Rouge museum and in Sert, France. This work travelled to several Canadian venues in 2012-13. (Eyland commissioned the BCSC as director of Gallery One One One -- it was a collaboration involving Meeka Walsh, Niel Minuk, Eduardo Aquino and Karen Shanski)

Gurevich Fine Art in Winnipeg hosted a solo exhibition of Eyland's work in September 2011 entitled Cliff Eyland: Books and Graffiti Book Paintings. (View the Gurevich press release here.)

Eyland was in two group exhibitions at Katzman Kamen Gallery (now Katzman Contemporary) in 2011 - his last shows in that venue. Here is a PDF of contents of the "Library Book Box" (3.7 MB PDF) that he showed there 26 March to 3 April, 2011 in a show called Faves.

The Abzurbs performed and exhibited at Prairie Scene at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and at Axeneo7 in Gatineau at the end of April 2011 in a show curated by J.J. Kegan McFadden: for images, have a look at this Picasa page of performance photos by William Eakin and paintings that Eyland shown at Axeneo7 as part of the Abzurbs exhibition.

Saint Mary's University Art Gallery in Halifax acquired works by Eyland in 2011. Click here (6.2 MB PDF) to view a PDF of the loose leaf book pages that accompanied the works.


Eyland designed a book by Birna Bjarnadottir in 2010:
View a PDF of a book of fragments with an introduction by George Toles and illustrations by Guy Maddin, Cliff Eyland and Haraldur Jonsson. (7 MB)

A set of tabloid-sized pages about art from an ongoing series from 2009-10 by Eyland and philosopher Carl Matheson. Download this PDF version (1.9MB PDF). One of these works, entitled THANK YOU FOR NOT INVOLVING ME IN YOUR RELATIONAL ART PROJECT, was included in FAX, a 2010 Plug In I.C.A. travelling exhibition.

Cliff Eyland and Guy Maddin collaborated on a set of 12"x18" loose leaf "Wall Books" in 2010 that were shown at the New York Art Book Fair in November of that year, and also at the Art Gallery at York University in 2011. You can view the "Wall Books" page on this site or download the PDFs:
View a PDF of Eyland/Maddin's first book. (14 MB)
View a PDF of Eyland/Maddin's second book. (10 MB)
View a PDF of Eyland/Maddin's third book. (23 MB)
iew View a PDF of Eyland/Maddin's fourth book. (16 MB)


Images from Eyland's 2007 solo exhibition Party Pictures (Retouched Reproductions) at Leo Kamen Gallery in Toronto.


Images from Eyland's 2006 solo exhibition Cameras, Cellphones and Hard Drives at the University of Winnipeg's Gallery 1C03.


Images from Eyland's (ongoing -- he is still adding to it) 2005 Winnipeg Millennium Library project.

Images from Eyland's 2004/05 Note Paintings shown at Winnipeg's aceartinc. and Toronto's Leo Kamen Gallery.


A PDF book (11MB PDF) of Eyland's drawings made in Rome and Edinburgh in 2004.


Eyland's Western Finalist submission to the 2003 RBC/Canadian Art Foundation national painting competition (2.3MB PDF)

Link to Eyland's 2003 illustrated essay about physics and art called Painting the Multiverse


Eyland began an ongoing project called "readymade tags" (view 29 MB PDF proposal) that began when he noticed that Venetian streets had already been "tagged" with his "CE" initials. He also began to collect images of the international "CE" regulatory symbol, and more recently he's been scribbling out the "Disn" in images he collects of Disneyland advertisements.


Eyland had a solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario December 8, 1999 to February 27, 2000 Present Tense


Eyland began the ongoing installation File Card Works Hidden in Books at the New School University's Raymond Fogelman Library in 1997. He stopped his yearly insertion of works in books there in 2005 when a new librarian objected to the project. Some of the works can be viewed here.

Eyland's 1981 "File Card Intervention" project.