"Part, the First" Text by Robert Enright "Part, the Second" Text by Meeka Walsh An index to BorderCrossings with "Notes on an Index" by Cliff Eyland Images BorderCrossings website Above: Aganetha Dyck, Wanda Koop, David McMillan, Eleanor Bond, William Eakin and Marcel Dzama BorderCrossings covers. Commissioner: Cliff Eyland; Editor: Meeka Walsh; Designers: Neil Minuk (DIN Projects), Eduardo Aquino and Karen Shanski (spmb_projects); Writers: Meeka Walsh, Robert Enright, Cliff Eyland. The opening reception for Part One of the BorderCrossings Study Centre happened on Wednesday, 30 September, 5-8 PM. A Q&A with Cliff Eyland and Meeka Walsh happened at 7 PM. (Part One's exhibition dates were 30 September to 6 November 2009.) The opening reception for Part Two of the BorderCrossings Study Centre happened on Wednesday, 18 November, 5-8 PM. (Part Two's exhibition dates were16 November to 4 December 2009.) BorderCrossings magazine and the University of Manitoba's Gallery One One One have developed a unique, portable archive of the magazine's 27-year publishing history. This archive -- known as the BorderCrossings Study Centre (BCSC) -- consists of a collection of each issue of the magazine to date housed in a portable hybrid storage/reading unit. Winnipeg architects Neil Minuk (DIN Projects), Eduardo Aquino and Karen Shanski (spmb_projects) worked together with Meeka Walsh to design and fabricate the unit. The BCSC unit was in Gallery One One One for fully half the gallery's entire programming year, during which the Gallery devoted itself to the presentation of work by Winnipeg artists who have appeared in the magazine. Over 200 Winnipeg artists and numerous Winnipeg writers have been featured in BorderCrossings over the years. National and indeed international in its range, galleries across Canada can plan similar exhibitions drawn from their own collections using BorderCrossings as a print catalyst. Part One of the BorderCrossings Study Centre included works by Eleanor Bond, Marcel Dzama, Aganetha Dyck, William Eakin, Wanda Koop, and David McMillan, all of whom have been featured on the cover of the magazine. Part Two included works, mostly from Gallery One One One's permanent collection, by KC Adams, Sheila Butler, Caroline Dukes, Ivan Eyre, Suzanne Gauthier, Noam Gonick, Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline, Guy Maddin, Don Reichert, Diana Thorneycroft, Esther Warkov and Richard Williams. During the tour of this exhibition, organized by BorderCrossings, local works will be shown with the BorderCrossings Study Centre unit. Special thanks: Elaine Stocki (magazine facsimiles and category tabs), BorderCrossings staff Petra Reynolds and Allison DaSilva, Dana Medoro, David Cuthbert, Aston Coles, The Canada Council for the Arts, The Manitoba Arts Council, SOFA Faculty and Staff. Above: The BorderCrossings Study Centre cabinets about to be delivered to Gallery One One One. Photo credit: Robert Epp. Gallery One One One hours are: Noon to 4:00 PM closed weekends. Admission is free. Gallery One One One is located at the School of Art, Main Floor, FitzGerald Building, University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA R3T 2N2TEL:204 474-9322 FAX:474-7605. The FitzGerald Building is located at the University of Manitoba's Fort Garry Campus next to the University Centre. Parking is available in the Parkade behind FitzGerald Building, and at meter and ticket dispenser lots. Parking is free after 4:30 PM and on weekends. Campus map link. For information please contact Robert Epp eppr@ms.umanitoba.ca |